Start 2022 with a bang!

Start 2022 with a bang!

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2022 is upon us! You have 12 months, 52 weeks and 365 days ahead in the next chapter what do you want to achieve this year!

Before we start looking at the tiny details, I would like to share the top 8 actions you can DO right now to kick the year off in the right direction: and move your performance into top gear:

Overwhelmed –> Organised –> Outstanding!

Get organised

(1) Make sure you have a diary or calendar, organise your to do list and manage your priorities

(2) Do a good “Summer clean” of your desk and work space. This means filing, discarding and finding a spot for everything! There is nothing better than walking into a clean and tidy space that works for you. And if you are struggling to get this done – I would recommend you get your hands on “Getting things done” by David Allen

(3) Set the mood! Add some fresh flowers, an oil diffuser, a pot plant or some inspirational pieces of art. Your space has a vast impact on how you feel at the start of each day, create an inspirational space!

Set your goals

(4) Know what your 2022 journey looks like and how you plan to navigate the next 365 days.

(5) Set your short, medium and long-term goals (click here for more details: How effective are your Business Goals

Don’t be afraid to dream

(6) “Don’t follow your dream, chase them”

(7) Often the only thing stopping you is you!!!

(8) Set your dreams, allow yourself to have a vision and then let NOTHING stop you!

As we move into a new year together, I am here to create a 2022 in which you feel more inspired, more motivated and more confident in achieving your dreams!

If you are looking for an inspirational mentor and guide to make sure that your next 365 days are everything you have dreamed of and more, I invite you to reach out to Amber Business Support, I am your Business Accountability Mentor!

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