Employers LOVE long weekends – NOT!

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Employers LOVE long weekends – NOT!

When it comes to public holidays employees love them … “Yay long weekend, days
not worked yet still getting paid – whoo hoo best life ever!”

Employers on the other hand, especially small business owners, find it a huge
source of stress.

The workload requirements remain the same, employees still need to be paid and
someone has to pick up the slack and get the work done.
The result is often you as the business owner ends up working on these days,
missing out on family time and simply not being in a position to rest, relax and
As we step into April where there are 3 public holidays, now is the time to plan and
prepare so you can relieve workload and create the space to have a stress-free
Here are 2 quick tips that you can apply right away so you to can put your feet up,
relax and have a little well-deserved time out!

Plan ahead & Prioritize:
 What needs to be done today to ensure you can relax tomorrow?
Is anything due on these public holidays (or the very next working day)? If so
this may require you moving some non-urgent tasks and projects forward to
ensure your “urgents” are done and dusted so you are not letting your clients,
or yourself, down.
 If you are in retail, plan staff rosters in advance so you have every shift

Communicate to staff, suppliers and clients:
 Let staff, suppliers and clients know that you are not available.
 Whether this is a sign on your shop front, email auto responders, or part of
your communication included in your mailers it means that anyone who needs
you knows you’ve “gone fishing” and when you will be back.

And here’s a helpful challenge – THIS year, as you are relaxing on the public holiday
why not plan a little getaway for the same time 2025? Somewhere local, easy to get
to, something to look forward to, and a rock-solid reason why, for 2025, you have no
reason to not take a break!

If you are ready to enjoy your long weekends and public holidays and want to work
with a business accountability mentor feel free to reach out to me for a chat – I would
love to help you rest, relax and recuperate!

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Employers LOVE long weekends – NOT!

Employers LOVE long weekends – NOT! When it comes to public holidays employees love them … “Yay long weekend, daysnot worked yet still getting paid