A day in the life of your bookkeeper Nicole Thomas

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Ever wondered what a bookkeeper does all day?

Spoiler alert:  it’s not lounging on a beach or sipping cocktails! While I do enjoy those things on weekends, my weekdays are a bit different.

So, what DO I actually do Monday to Friday from sun up to sun down…….

Here’s a peek into my daily grind from Monday – Friday:

6:30 am – The alarm clock blares – I hit snooze 3 times, because you know, who doesn’t need a few more minutes sleep?

07:00 am – I leap out of bed (well, more like shuffle) tackle the usual morning routine and get my gorgeous little girl Siena ready for daycare

08h15am – 08h30 am – Quick staff meeting to make sure the whole team is on the same page.

08h30 am – I am in front of my computer and ready to roll! First things first – check emails for any urgent matters

08h40 am – Time to review my calendar. This includes client meetings, daily tasks, payroll deadlines, end-of-month reconciliations, and any lodgments. It’s like a game of Tetris but with spreadsheets – even bookkeepers need a little fun in their lives!

09h00 am – I make my “priority list” and get cracking. This could include payroll, catching up on any pending lodgments or anything that is top of the list for the day.

10h00 am – Coffee time – YAY – flat white no sugar – because it’s important to keep the brain fueled

10h30 am – 12h30pm – Dive into client work which includes day to day data entry, bank fee reconciliation, general client bookkeeping tasks. It’s like putting a giant puzzle together piece by piece.

12h30 pm – Lunch break, I grab some fresh air, stretch my legs and enjoy a bit of sunshine. Sometimes I even run into other humans- Thrilling!!!

13h30 pm – 14h30 pm Business Development hour! – I check in with clients, update social media and collaborate with my copywriter to brainstorm new articles. Keeping my business sharp is just as important as crunching the numbers.

14h30 pm – 15h00 pm – Preparing reports for client meetings. It’s all about getting the details right to ensure everything runs smoothly,

15h00 pm – 16h00 pm Client meetings!  We discuss strategy, forecasting, budgeting, planning, and business goals. This is where all the hard work pays off and we make the magic happen

16h00 pm – COFFEE time … again! A bigger flat white because let’s be honest the day is not over yet!

16h30 pm – Final check of emails and plan for tomorrow. It’s like tidying the desk before I “clock out” (So I ever really clock out!!!! Ha ha)

17h30 pm – the highlight of my day – time to fetch Siena from daycare

And then the real work begins…..  Dinner time, bath time, play time, story time

21h00 pm – Rest, reflection, meditation, and gratitude

21h30 – pm BEDTIME!

At night what do I dream of? Figures, numbers, NOPE I am out like a light and ready to wake up recharged so I can hit snooze button 3 times before I conquer the world again!

So, whilst my weekdays might not be as glamorous as a day at the beach, they are filled with a lot of meaningful work, strategic planning and a whole lot of coffee!

If you are looking for a bookkeeper who is down to earth and embraces your bookkeeping work and wants to make your numbers work for you, reach out, let’s have chat!

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