“Bossing the Boardroom” to “Bossing the Bassinet”

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“Bossing the Boardroom” to “Bossing the Bassinet”

Being the boss, running your business, and having a baby in the mix it can literally feel like you are going from “Bossing the Boardroom” to “Bossing the bassinet”.

The reality is, as a self-employed mum with a new baby in arms, it can feel a little (I mean A LOT!) overwhelming!

The juggle and the struggle is real!

Here are 8 top tips that you can use to keep SOME sanity and balance in your work and personal life whilst perfecting “The juggle”

  1. Create a routine:
    When is your little one sleeping, napping and crying? I know this may seem like a trick question but if you take a step back there is a vague routine. Once you have a basic idea you can start planning which nap and sleep times you will be “head down in work”, which ties you will be trying to tame your unholy mess of a house, and of course which times you are at our little ones “beck and call”.  Oh and if there is a chance for you to get some sleep to!
  2. Disregard tip number one! Flexibility:
    In a perfect world things go perfectly. In the real world you need flexibility. Understand and accept that your new little bundle of joy may or may not stick to the routine!
  1. Communicate with your clients:
    Let your clients know you are available, but your time is limited and things may change on a dime. They will understand – they have probably “been there, done that” and will be more accommodating than you think.
  2. Identify who on your team can take on more responsibility:
    Triple bonus… 1) They feel empowered and there’s more bandwidth for future business growth going forward. 2) You are able to enjoy the time with your little one 3) Your business is able to work and run without you being “all hands-on deck”
  3. Delegate like a procrastinator on a deadline:This may not be your style. But now is the time to perfect the art of delegation. This can be applied at home or work. In fact hand out tasks like they’re hot potatoes!
  1. Multitask like a “Boss”:Don’t be afraid to multi task. Run those Zoom calls, breastfeed, and calm your crying baby all at once. You will find with a little practice you will move seamlessly between all your roles.
  1. Zoom Baby Edition: Introduce your little bundle of joy to your team and clients. Nothing creates a chorus of “aws” quite like a gurgling bundle of joy!
  1. Mommy and me brainstorming sessions:
    Babies are full of creative ideas. Hold a weekly brainstorming sessions with the mini boss to generate innovative and creative ideas. Sometimes all you need is a good sounding board where a cute little “goo” in agreeance could be your next big idea and success story

As a mamma and a boss you can continue to run your business, enjoy your baby and get some work-life balance. All you need is a little planning, a great strategy and some sleep and me time!

Before you know it, those little “goo’s”. giggles and “gurgles” will be toddlers….. they will want tea parties, play dates and snacks…. But more about that in another article!

If you are a new mom running your business and looking for a Business Accountability Mentor who understands exactly where you are at, give me a call (even if your little one is wide awake and crying) so we can have a chat. I would love to be part of your Boss Mamma journey

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